- 野党側{やとう がわ}が内閣{ないかく}に対して提出{ていしゅつ}する不信任決議案{ふしんにん けつぎあん}の投票{とうひょう}
vote of no confidence that the opposition proposes to call for against the administration 意味
- "vote of censure" 意味
- "vote of censure in presidency" 意味
- "vote of censure on the political leader" 意味
- "vote of confidence" 意味
- "vote of local ldp chapter members" 意味
- "vote of nonconfidence" 意味
- "vote of sympathy" 意味
- "vote of thanks" 意味
- "vote off" 意味
- "vote of confidence" 意味
- "vote of local ldp chapter members" 意味
- "vote of nonconfidence" 意味
- "vote of sympathy" 意味